Alphabet Lore A – Complete Information & Overview

Meet A is the very first letter of the Alphabet and is also one of the main characters of Alphabet Lore. He is  also used to make some other words in the alphabet lore series. Some of the popular words made by alphabet lore A are CAB , VAN, COWARD, FART and MAP. Along with these he is used in making other words like FAKE , PATREON and WATCH in non-canon content like media , narratives or works that are not part of the officially recognized version of a story or universe. In this blog I am providing you complete information about Alphabet Lore A either its appearance , its biography or even some dancing pictures. 

Alphabet Lore A

The appearance of A in Alphabet Lore series  

The color of Alpha bet Lore A, is red in zalphabet lore series. In both uppercase and lowercase form, his mouth is present in the hole and eyes are right in between it. He even has teeth which are very long and they are sharp and straight. But they (those teeth) separate when his mouth is open. 

Complete Biography Of Alphabet Lore A

In the Alphabet Lore series, Alpha bet Lore A , has significantly played his roles in both uppercase and Lowercase  letters. As a lowercase letter , A is used by F to create the word to prank others. F creates the word “fart” as a prank to embarrass L. The zalphabet lore A laughed so much with N and F after the word fart was formed. A, along with S , Y and the other letters (excluding P and G), solely witnessed how F formed the word “frick” and encouraged all the letters to turn against F. 

Alphabet Lore A lowercase

Roles and Responsibilities played by Alphabet Lore A

There are many job roles played by A in the Alphabet Lore series. Let us look at some of them. But before that did you know, when did he grow up? In the alphabet lore series before F attacked A, he grew up as an adult. He was not a kid anymore. When G calls C , A and B to make CAB to track down where F is , A plays the role of a cab driver. In H , they drove past F. F was already hiding behind H. In J, CAB waited for G as J got destroyed by I’s cannonball short by F. In K, CAB and G rushed towards F alongside I, J and K. 

After that when F charges I’s title, planning to destroy CAB and G to kill them for good. In M,N,O and P, CAB and G are mesmerized. In R , A along with M and P form the word MAP to find the location of F. When the letters go ahead for F , A returns to CAB to rush towards F. In T, they arrive but F freeze G in one place. In U “MAP” deforms as the letters prepare their attack on F. However, after claiming M’s gem, he sticks M and A together and flings them toward T, who was already previously hammered into the ground. Additionally, A witnesses the last moments of C, shutting his eyes right as F shreds C, killing him in the process. B gets his wings bitten off, and F files away with P.

A is devastated and mourns the loss of his friends, B and C. In V, A realizes G shot P instead of F, shocking him along with all the letters as they mourn P’s death. In W ,A appears in N’s nightmare as they spell COWARD. After N wakes up, it appears they have formed VAN. A was the body of VAN. In X, VAN stops as X multiplies. In Y they drive to F’s cave and deform as V sprints away in fear. Along with G,M and U, A is swallowed by F’S manipulation. When F was murdered by super N’s rainbow attack , A,G,M and U were left in shock due to the outcome, and Q shows why F had gone the way he did. Lastly everyone including A feels empathy for F, as they realize he was not evil before Z reversed time to make up for the loss of all the letters. 

Dancing Alphabet Lore A

Number Lore Of Alphabet Lore A 

In the new timeline in new episodes, A is now in a group with the other vowels E,I,O and U. He and E fight a lot and argue whether the more important letter is the first letter A or the most common letter E. The vowels after that all split up to go after the number ship. A teams up with V, and both go to F’s cave to get N’s help as well as to spell VAN. When N finally joins, they accidentally run into G and P’s baby and tag him along. They continue the chase along with L, O and BIKE. However , later the letters are almost out of the members reach, but they witness Z using his ellipses gems to shop them, thus resulting in the calculator ship crash landing.  

Last scenes of Alphabet Lore A

Again or we can say reappears in episode 4, where he , the alphabet V and N reform VAN and then drive to F’s cave. It was an emotional episode. In that episode N was seen in an emotional crisis, he uses his gem to power up VAN and turn it into “VAN”, which allows faster travel to F’s cave. Upon reaching there, N deforms VAN and runs to check up on F while A and V watch as debris falls and blocks their path. 

Conclusion –

Hope you like this blog , to read more about other Alphabet lore letters of Alphabet lore series check out our blog page. We are providing complete detailed information about the whole series. Also there are some dummy text generators which are developed by using these alphabet lore letters. Feel free to check them out.